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Honeywell Lynx Touch L7000 Kit 1, valued at $264.95 A quick search on the internet reveals a variety of home security devices promising a tough alarm system for homeowners. While it can be assumed that burglars will have to develop sophisticated means to get past such systems, Marc Weber Tobias, a security specialist, discovered that a popular wireless alarm system can be easily hacked with just a magnet and a Scotch tape. This should serve as a wake-up call for manufacturers to upgrade security systems. To keep up with the increasing demand for high-quality, value-for-money security system is the Honeywell Lynx Touch L7000, an upgrade of the previous Lynx models. The new addition to the Lynx touch series and to our top notch selection of wireless alarm systems, the Honeywell L7000 packs a ton of features to go with its stylish 7-inch touchscreen interface and easy-to-navigate icons.

The L7000 delivers the benefits of cutting-edge security and convenience in the form of its upgrades. First and foremost, its live video display of up to four cameras in individual or quad-view configuration offers more coverage of your premises. Next, with its support of up to 80 zones, even the biggest areas will not run out of zones, leaving no dead spot. Then, it can add security codes for up to 48 users, with only the Master User who can assign codes. Also, you can choose a good selection out of its 10 door chime sounds. The more unpredictable it is, the better. For even more bang for your buck, use this Wi-Fi, cellular, and Z-Wave-capable device to integrate lights, locks, thermostats, and so on for a streamlined home system. Now, these are just some of the features of the new L7000. Enjoy this convenience and more importantly, secure peace of mind now for you and your family with this easy, step-by-step DIY installation and programming guide.

What tools do I need?

For a neat installation of your Honeywell L7000, you will need the following:

1. An alarm or security wire – Thicker than the phone wire, this is where the electricity will go through as it will connect the power supply to the panel. Wire size is measured in terms of gauge. Choose an 18- or 22-gauge wire for this. Wires typically have their gauge number on the side so you can readily know its size.

2. A wire stripper to peel the wire – The typical wire stripper has slots for different wire gauges. In case you do not know if it’s an 18- or 22-gauge wire — either the wire doesn’t have the gauge number on the side or the number is not that readable for you — there are automatic wire strippers that adjust their cutting accordingly to the wire.

3. A small Phillips screwdriver for screwing and unscrewing

4. Power drill for drilling holes for the screws

5. Level and measuring tape to ensure the panel is level on the wall before securing it

6. Wire track to hide the unsightly wire on the wall

7. Pencil to mark holes for drilling

How do I cover the wire on the wall using the wall track?

Instead of the usual way of plugging the transformer into the outlet — right side up with the wire downwards to the floor — you will plug the power supply upside down on the upper outlet so the wiring goes upward. Don’t worry, the connection will still be the same except that this is the easier way to cover the wire, which will go from the transformer into the bottom of the panel to be mounted above the outlet. You will work your way up using the wire and the wire track to know where and how to mount the panel on your wall. We will discuss this more in the following steps so let’s get going.

How do I connect the wire?

1. First, using a wire stripper, expose about ¾ of an inch of the copper at the end to make the connection to the transformer. To use a wire stripper, insert the wire into the slot for its size. If you use an 18-gauge wire, put it into the 18-gauge slot, press the stripper together, twist it around the wire for a couple of seconds, and firmly pull the wire cover away from the copper inside.

2. Twist the now exposed wire end to prevent it from loosening, but make sure you do not make it too tapered or too thin. Leave enough room for the screws that you will connect here.

3. Your wire will come in red and black conductors, which correspond to the positive and negative points, respectively. Connect the red wire to the positive, loosen the screw on the transformer a bit to make a little gap, and loop the wire end around the screw. It should be noted here that this particular Honeywell transformer requires consistent polarity so do not interchange the positive and the negative.

4. Tighten it and leave no exposed copper.

5. Do the same for the black wire, which should go into the negative. 6. Make sure you have a tight connection for the power by tugging it.

What do I do with the extra connections if I have a four-conductor wire and I need only two?

Simply strip back the extra wires. For instance, you probably got a wire with green, white, red, and black connections. Strip back the green and white ones. You will now have red (positive) and black (negative) left.

There is like an extra screw on the power supply. What is it for?

You mean the one that lines up with the screw on the outlet? Remove that. The extra screw that you see on the power supply is for keeping the transformer from getting accidentally unplugged in the usual setup of the transformer being plugged the right side up. But since you will plug the transformer upside down for the panel that will be above the outlet, you won’t need that screw. Plus, it does not line up well when you plug the power upside down so it is better to not have it there. 

How can I tell the mounting height or the distance between the power supply and the panel so I can install the panel above the outlet?

1. With the transformer still plugged in, fish the wire through the wire track. The wire track has a narrow opening on its side. Open this carefully and slowly but surely put the length of the wire inside the wire track.

2. With the wire now inside the wire track, stretch the wire and the wire track upwards. Push the wire track as closely as possible to the top of the transformer to leave no exposed wire.

3. Open the back plate of your Honeywell panel and feed the wire into the slot at the back for when you put it on the wall.

4. Unplug the transformer and cut the wire around 6 inches after the end of the wire track.

An important safety reminder: Do not cut any wire without unplugging the transformer first — you will never want to be electrocuted with live wire.

How do I properly mount the panel on the wall?

1. Again, stretch out the wire track upwards from the power supply. Position the panel’s back plate in such a way that its bottom side starts where the wire track ends.

2. Use the level and the measuring tape to make sure the back plate is level with the wall. This is crucial: A slanted panel — no matter how slight the angle — will put your inner obsessive-compulsive side at unease.

3. With the pencil, mark the four screw holes on the wall using the screw slots on the back plate.

4. Set the wire track aside so you have two free hands to drill the holes.

5. Push the wall anchors in.

6. Put in the first screw on the back plate on the wall, but don’t screw it all in just yet as you’ll want to be sure of the back plate’s positioning first. Screw it just enough so you can get the remaining screws without the need to constantly hold the panel.

7. Put in the remaining three screws and before tightening all of them, step back and look at the plate from different distances to check if the panel is level. Get a second opinion in your household if you must.

8. Get the wire track and feed the wire through the slot at the back plate. 9. Hold the wire track up and stick it to the wall using its double-sided tape on the back.

What if I secure the panel on the wall only to find out later on that it is slanted?

This is why it is important to make sure first that the plate is level before tightening the screws — to avoid unnecessary additional steps. Now, in your case, if you haven’t proceeded yet to the next steps, just loosen the screws and tighten them back to re-adjust. But if you have already finished the installation and put the front plate on, you will have to open the panel and re-adjust the plate by loosening and tightening back the screws. Depending on the discrepancy, you might have to remove the connections that are already in place so it is wise to level the plate first before securing it on the wall. 

How do I fix the wirings and connections inside the panel?

1. Once the back plate is level and secured on the wall, place the battery into its compartment at the right side of the panel.

2. At the left side of the battery you will see tie down points or wire clips to hold the wire in place. Feed the wire into these tie down points or wire clips by tucking it in point by point.

3. Prevent the battery from falling off and hold it in place by screwing the plastic arm or strip. You will find in your kit a screw smaller than the ones used for the mounting of the panel. That’s the one to use in securing the plastic arm.

4. Reattach the panel’s front plate, which holds the unit’s components, by simply snapping the two plastic hinges on the bottom.

5. Connect the wire from the transformer to the screw terminals in the panel. Keep in mind that the power is still not plugged in and that is the way it should be for your safety.

6. Loosen the screw a bit to make space for the wire. You will see a terminal marked with +9VC and that is where you should put the red positive wire into. Once done, tighten the screw.

7. Do the same thing to the black negative wire, which should be put into the terminal marked as GND. This terminal is also called as ground terminal.

8. Make sure all connections are tight and in place.

9. Plug the power in and give the panel a few seconds to come on. You will see the panel booting up or getting its system ready for 20 to 30 seconds.

10. Connect the battery to the front plate’s battery clip. Snap the panel close. You now have successfully installed your Honeywell L7000.

Tip: To prepare for the Wi-Fi configuration later on, take note of the MAC and MAC CRC on the Wi-Fi module located just underneath the speaker on the front plate before closing the panel. These numbers, which identify your Honeywell panel from the rest, will be needed by the call center so they can put your unit on central monitoring. The MAC is the one starting with 00D while the MAC CRC is the four-digit number at the right side of the module. Doing so before you close the panel will save you from having to open the panel again.

Now that I have installed my Honeywell panel, how do I connect it to my Wi-Fi?

Once the panel’s done booting up, it will display standby mode at the top of the screen. And once the panel is up, you are ready to set up your Wi-Fi connection.

1. You will see three selections: Security, Automation, and Video. Click the first one labelled as “Security.”

2. Tap the “More” tab at the lower right corner and click “Tools.”

3. Enter the code 4112 and hit “Program.”

4. Proceed to “Comm. Diagnostics” and you will see a “Configure Wi-Fi” selection.

5. Click the option at the top which says “Scan access points.”

6. Select your Wi-Fi connection from the list and hit “Edit.”

7. Press the “Key” tab where you will be asked to type in your Wi-Fi password. Once you entered your password, click “Done.”

8. Press the “Join” tab that will appear at the lower left corner and your newly-installed device will join or be added to your Wi-Fi network.

How do I get my Honeywell unit on central monitoring?

Once your device is connected to your Wi-Fi, you can now contact our representatives for expert assistance to have your wireless alarm system on central station monitoring. That way, when an alarm is tripped, it does not only alert the neighborhood, but also connects to emergency responders.

Tip: Have your MAC and MAC CRC handy before making that call for a seamless transaction. Just follow these easy DIY steps on setting up the Honeywell Lynx Touch L7000 so you can relax knowing you and your family are secure and safe. Aside from the high-quality security systems from the Alarm System Store, rest assured you will have access to our friendly and expert representatives should you have further questions and concerns. Excellent products and customer service — now that’s giving you your money’s worth.

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