Diy Alarm System Blog
Qolsys IQ 4 - The Ultimate DIY Alarm System
11 Jun 2024
Many view alarm systems as a niche add-on to their homes that while tempting, must be too much of a pain to install. Many also feel as though they need to install a hardwired system due to complaints of past wireless technology being unreliable and devices lacking the battery life for it to be a convenient enough option...
A home security system is a non-negotiable these days. Times have indeed become more dangerous and criminals more aggressive and cunning.Fortunately, there are ways to protect your home and your loved ones. A reliable alarm system deters criminals and gives homeowners peace of mind. An investigative report covering convicted ...
Criminals these days are smart—they know various techniques to break into a house. They’re so clever that they cause around an average of $2,000 in property loss per incident.
Photo courtesy of Tookapic via Pexels
Of course, you don’t want to lose your hard-earned properties to the bad guys. The best way to outsmart burglar...
The human brain is a powerful computer, but it’s also limited in many ways. When it’s rushed, stressed or overloaded with stimuli, it has more trouble processing information. That’s why even the smartest parents and single homeowners can make mistakes; they have to juggle priorities like family, career, personal development, ...
Having an alarm system these days, in your home or in your business establishment, is more than just a necessity but an obligation. It is your obligation to yourself, your family, employees, and customers to have a sense of security and some peace of mind. A study from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department ...
There is a certain charm about living solo. To the modern dweller, living solo does not mean being alone but being more in control, having more freedom, and finally getting a taste of what independence truly is about.
Photo courtesy of milivanily via Pixabay
The proportion of solo living is on a rise. In fact, 27% of the Ame...
As a crime prevention program, the Neighborhood Watch was launched in 1972 to bring together the efforts of citizens and members of law enforcement in deterring crimes and making communities safer. With the National Sheriffs' Association as a sponsor, it was developed in response to growing concern for home security because t...
The Honeywell MID-7H Android Mobile Internet Device w/ Built-In Wi-Fi is one of the newest additions to our stock and it is a great addition at that!
When I was first introduced to the MID-7H I noticed that it came in a Honeywell branded product box with the usual red and white packaging. I proceeded to open the box to get m...
DSC PC5108 Eight Hardwire Zone Expander Module
21 Nov 2012
The DSC PC5108 Zone Expander is used to add additional hardwired zones to your existing control panel. Each expander module has jumper settings that can be set for the desired zone numbers. For example, if you are using an expander to add zones 9 through 16, you would make sure that jumper 1 is off, jumper 2 is on, and jump...
Alarm Celluar / GSM Communicators
05 Nov 2012
As many people are starting to get rid of their home telephone service, they are in search of a cellular or gsm alarm communicator so their system can report alarms to the Central Station. When it comes to choosing a cellular communicator, aka GSM, there are many options to choose from. The one I would like to introduce and ...
ATW Bus Terminal Expander (BT-600)
18 Sep 2012
The BT 600 is a nice little terminal expander used to keep the amount of wires limited in a terminal. After several questions from customers asking, "how do I fit all these wires in one terminal", we would like to introduce to you the Terminal Expander by ATW. Lets say for example you have six wires in your "Aux -" and six wi...
Programming DSC Zone Definitions
29 Aug 2012
There are several times people get confused on programming their zone definitions into the DSC security systems. It is fairly easy to do, but can also be really confusing. Zone definitions basically tells the system how that zone is to respond to that device being triggered. In other words, the definition tells the system ...