Technical Support Request
All initial level 1 free tech support is via email. If level 1 support can't assist with your issue, it will be referred to a level 2 rep. If a phone call is deemed necessary we will send a link to book an appointment for a call. Tickets will be handled in the order received, very often the same day received during open hours (9am to 5:30pm EST) Monday through Friday.
We've created a large library of technical support videos and documents designed for easy self-support for our DIY customers. We highly recommend checking these out before opening a support ticket. 95% of issues we encounter have been covered by these materials and we will refer general setup questions to them because it's easier to show you in a video than to tell you in email or verbally..
Self-support options include:
- Programming Quickstart Guides - Shortened programming guides that cover the vital requirements of setting up a system.
- How-To Videos - Collections of videos covering a large range of topics for each system we support. More can be found on our YouTube channel as well.
- And more under the Resources drop-down menu at the top right of our site we have a FAQ for alarm systems that covers many simple topics.
For those that would rather just discuss their support issue over the phone with a level 2 tech or you're seeking guidance not covered under our tech support policy, such as walking you through programming locations by phone or other "hand holding", we do offer a premium support.