Resolution Products SecureSmart Helix Unboxing Review
SecureSmart Helix wireless alarm system by Resolution Products Unboxing Review
Hi, my name is Jason, with alarmsystemstore.com. In today's video, I'm going to be doing the unboxing for the Helix alarm system. It's a fairly new system and it has a lot of cool features that we really like. So before we get started on that, if you haven't already subscribed to our channel, please do so. The more people that subscribe, the more people we can reach about DIY security.
So let's go ahead and go to the table we'll get started. All right, let's go ahead and do an unboxing of the Resolution products Helix panel. So this is going to be what you're gonna get in a brand new Helix system. Now, this is the control panel only so if you look at this card it's got the model number as well as the description Control Panel No Cards RE6100S-XX-X. So if there were cards there would be some additional letters here just kind of telling you what cards are preinstalled on the system. So this is kind of the clean version, real simple you know, if you wanted to do like a local sounder only, this may be the way to go. But again, you can get different configurations so you don't have to buy everything separately.
So let's look at the side here, simple and predictable installation. Full interactive security and home automation capabilities. Talks about the different cards that you can get Z-Wave, Cellular, Wi-Fi, Translator for takeover, those are all available on there. Comes pre-installed with an Ethernet port so you don't need any of those other cards as long as you can do an Ethernet connection to your IP, good to go. And it can use the Cryptix wireless devices so you don't need a Translator. Although they do have the Translator available if you wanna do takeover without having to replace everything. So it kind of gives you on the box the brief overview of the four steps to installing. Now, it's a little bit more in-depth than this in reality but it's kind of your quick how to do it. So plug it in, connect to your internet, check your LEDs, download and use apps for installation and control.
So let's go ahead and open this up, so it's kind of a neat box design here. All right, so when we first opened it up at least the way I did, you'll see some manuals here. So those first one is looking at, you know, a whole bunch of tables of information here. This is going to be used, you know, potentially by you if you're doing the install it goes over, you know, all the different options basically. Just a ton of information here talks about, you know, the different options, what kind of…what it affects what your range of values are and, you know, things like that. So it's just tables and tables and information, you know, it's a lot of information to go over. And honestly, for most people, you're not gonna really need this. It's a got a lot of good information that you might need reference, but a lot of this stuff you're not gonna ever look at it. So don't get overwhelmed by this if you see that.
Next, we have the actual manual for the Helix that kind of gives you your step-by-step install, the features what's included in the box, things like that. And keep in mind that, you know, the instructions here reference it as if you were a professional installer. So obviously, you know, we sell to the general public so it kind of changes things around a little bit. One thing to keep in mind, you know, first thing it says is set up a new account. If you're using SecureSmart and, you know, you want that feature, definitely you'll wanna set up a new account, you know, and, of course, we'll be doing that for you working with you on that. However, you can use this system as a local sounder only. So if you don't want, you know, any subscription fee, you just want the system to make some noise, you know, as a local sounder you can do that. In which case, completely disregard step one. I mean, there's no account setup if you're not setting up an account.
Now, it's not really a supported feature of the Helix because of course, you know, they're gearing it towards being a full smart home security platform. So it's definitely got a lot more capabilities than being local sounder and they're not really advertising it as being a local sounder but it is possible. So it goes over the installation steps, gives you a lot of different pictures, examples, different things. Talks a little bit about the HeliLink app which is what you'll be using to install the system. As of making this video currently, they only have the HeliLink app available for iOS. So if you have an Apple iPhone, no problem, you can install the system. If you don't have an Apple iPhone, unfortunately, you know, for Android currently, there's no HeliLink installation app. We can still program the system for you, of course, we do charge for that service. There's additional benefits for it, you know, we do test thing when we do a programming. So there's additional value added there as well but apparently, that's one limitation the system has. We have talked to the manufacturer though they are, you know, planning to release an Android app as well. So just a temporary issue as of this video, of course, when something changes we'll probably edit this video to reflect that.
So it gives you a lot of good information here, talks about a lot of different peripherals, some troubleshooting things like that so. But it's not an overwhelming amount of information like that other manual is. That other manual like I said goes into, you know, super amount of detail on everything which a lot of what's in there is not gonna be used, right. So let's go ahead and put those manuals to the side and look at the actual system itself. So this is the Helix. It's not a big panel it's pretty thin, it looks pretty much like it could be anything, you know. It looks like it could be, you know, a wireless router or something, yeah. So you can set this on a shelf somewhere, potential that nobody would even know this is your alarm system. Which definitely has some advantages as far as, you know, a smashing or crash and smash situation. Where somebody breaks in wants to smash your alarm system as fast as they can keep it from calling out. Well, they may not be able to find it with this unless they have a lot of information ahead of time, but of course is possible. So it's kinda neat look, it's kinda got a gloss finish on this angle part. I don't know if you can see that. I'll try to angle the light at it. Now, everything else is more of a matte finish so it's kind of got a neat modern look to it, pretty simple. On the side here, there's just two ports. You got your power and you gotta Ethernet RJ45, that's all there is to it.
So this can be wall-mounted or it can simply be set on the table which we'll look at here in just a second. So let's look at some other stuff here. So if we go inside the side compartments here. So it comes with an Ethernet cable, so if you don't have an extra one laying around they give you a six-foot cable here. It's a category five, plenty for what the system needs. As long as you're within a six-feet of Ethernet port, whether that's your router or you have to run through a wall, no need to buy anything else there. And then on this other side, let's see what we have, so give you a little screw, small baggie there. And this is the desk mount stand. So, you know, that just sits on a table. You can see there's a little notch here which lines up perfectly with this little notch here. Set in, now you got your desk mount. So and again with that, you can set this system anywhere. And looks like the last thing we have here is the power cord, so i believe it's about a 10-foot power cord. And again, you don't need to run this through the wall the…since the power access is on the side, it's not gonna cause any issues. They do have a little tab here so you can run, you know, run the cord through that. So that if somebody pulls on the cord is not gonna be pulling on the actual jack, it'll get stuck here that's where you'll pull. And I believe that is everything, so our box is empty.
So I do wanna open this up real quick. It's not hard to open. There's just a little button here. It takes a decent amount of pressure to pop it. Inside you can see we have the circuit board. On the board, there's these white outlines and it shows module slot one, module slot two, and module slot three. So this is a modular system. Module slot one is designed for cellular communications, module slot two is designed for Wi-Fi. So there's two different things you can put in this slot. There's a Wi-Fi for communications. So, you know, if you don't have an Ethernet port available still wanna use internet to communicate, you can get a Wi-Fi module. It'll snap into this spot.
The other option is another Wi-Fi module but it's not for exterior communications. It's actually for communications to the HeliTouch keypads. So those are touchscreen keypads that work over Wi-Fi, but it kinda creates its own little self-contained Wi-Fi network. And then module slot three is where you'll put either a Z-Wave card or a Translator card or they have a combination card. So they have quite a few different options here. We've got a little siren, built-in siren, and of course, backup battery. And then there's some antennas here for communications. So you know, this is where your Cryptix communicator, those are the antennas for that.
So that's really all there is to the system itself. Let's kinda put this together real quick and I'll lay everything out so you can see it. So that's your Helix. You've got your desk mount, I don't know if you can see. I'll set it up here. There's your desk mount. You've got your power cord, Ethernet cord, and your manuals. So, that's all that comes with it. And again, if you get a model with the built-in cards, those will be preinstalled and ready to go.
I hope you found a lot of good information in this video. We'll definitely have more videos on the system in the near future. If you liked the video, make sure you hit the like button to let us know. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.