Interlogix Simon XTi-5 80-649-3N-XT5 Kit Unboxing Review - What's in it for you?
What's in the kit box? Unboxing of the Interlogix Simon XTi-5 80-649-3N-XT5 Kit
Hi, my name is Jason with alarmsystemstore.com. In today's video, I'm going to be doing an unboxing of the Interlogix Simon XTi-5 311 Kit. As always, make sure you subscribe to the channel. It really helps us get the word out to more people about DIY security. And also we're gonna be starting something new. We're going to be giving away some of these decals. These are stickers that you can put on windows, doors, wherever you want around the house, and they work as a great deterrent because they'll let anyone know that might be wanting to do something to your house that you have an alarm system, and possibly get them to pick an easier target. So if you wanna know how to win these, make sure you stay to the end of the video and I'll tell you more. So let's ahead and get to the table and we'll get started on the unboxing.
All right. So this is the other kit that we offer for the Simon XTi-5. You can see the part number is listed right here on the box, 80-649-3N-XT5. And then it also shows what comes in the package, which we'll find out here in just a second. So there's not much else on the box itself. It does have a caution label here for the lithium batteries that are inside, but let's go and open it and then see what it contains here.
All right. So when we open it up you can see this is the starter package. So the starter package is included in the Simon XTi-5 kit here. So, this is part number 80-632-3N-XT5. Let's go and pull that out. Then we have a PIR sensor. So this is a motion detector and you can see part number 60-807-95R. So this is kind of their standard indoor pet immune motion detector. And then we got a of couple boxes here which this is a 60-362N-10-319.5. So that is a door and window sensor. We got two of those. Right here is the micro key fob 600-1064-95R. And then finally, this is another door window sensors. So we got three door window sensors, one PIR, the micro key fob in the starter kit.
So let me get rid of this big box and then we'll start looking at our littler boxes here. So we'll start with this starter kit. It's got some tape here that we'll need to get into. You're looking on the outside of the box here, you can see there's some information. I chose some accessories right here. Now, this isn't the full list of accessories that are compatible, just a small sampling. Talks about some of the specifications of the system so we have support for up to 40 zones, two which can be hardwired, 5-inch touch screen, menu-based at a glance status, built-in speech support. So basically, what all that means is this is a 5-inch touch screen. This is what it looks like as far as the at a glance status, so you can see your different kinds of sensors and what their status is, and then it's got not only a siren but also a speaker for voice enunciation.
So let's go ahead and open this up. All right. So, inside we have a couple manuals here on top. First one is the quick operation guide. So this is what you'll use kind of as your day-to-day use of the system. Traditionally, this is kind of what would be given to end users so that they can arm disarm, change user codes, check the system status, etc. Kind of gives you an idea how the system actually functions. The Simon XTi installation guide, now you can see it's pretty, pretty small but this really does have pretty much all the information you would need to get this thing set up. The nice thing about the graphic user interface for some of these all-in-one wireless systems, they're super intuitive so you get a lot of information on the screen. Which means you don't have to put as much information in the manuals, but you can read through this pretty easily and kind of figure out how you need to program the system.
So this is a 18-gauge wire that goes with the power transformer here. This little white box here, see it has a backup battery, and so this is NiMH type battery with 2.1 amp hours and 6 bolts. So that's kind of battery you would need to have battery backup on the system. We got a telephone cable here, a couple of packets with some mounting hardware as well as a couple resistors. So these resistors would be used if you have anything hardwired attached to it, such as a hardwired zone. And let's see, let's go ahead and open this middle compartment here, and right here we have the Simon XTi itself. This is a fairly small system which makes it pretty flexible on the kind of places you can mount it. So we'll put that to the side for now. Show you a little bit more on that just a second. And then let's get this power transformer out. So here is your power transformer as you can see it just has two, they're not labeled that's because they're AC so it doesn't matter. You know plus/minus, there's not really any plus/minus to it, and you can see the specifications on it so the input voltage has to be 120 volt AC at 60 Hertz, and it's gonna draw 0.3 amps and the output is 9vAC 25 VA. So, that's the power transformer you get with that.
And then finally, there's one more thing in here and that is your RJ31X. That goes with the accessory jack and cord set. And so this is gonna be like a phone takeover module that way you can make it so that if you don't have a dedicated line for your alarm system, you can kick everything off. All right. So let's put that to the side, and set all this up here because I really wanna show you some things about this.
So, it's a pretty sleek look. It's got the nice kind of holographic thing at the bottom there, ports right here, and then some terminals. They kind of get to the screws but not really any way to put the wires in. And as you can see this doesn't appear to really be any way to get this open, at least at first glance, but you can see this little notch here which you can use. It doesn't take a whole lot of force. You can use a coin if you want or just your fingers, and this is just gonna pull the front plate off.
So once you have that front plate off, you can see there's a couple tabs at the top there. They're pretty…you don't need to really pry them. If you do pry them, then you might break them but it just drops down and you can see there's a hinge at the bottom here. So if this is hanging on the wall, you can actually open this up without having to fully take this off and it'll hold it for you. Of course, this was by simply lifting it will pull completely off. And then these are kind of the most important part right here. So this is your hardwire one. You're kind of your com here and then you're hardwire two. So, these are your two hardwired zones or this first one can actually be a programmable output, and then this is where your 9-volt AC comes in, so you just plug your two ends.
These two ends would plug in right here, screw down, and that's how you're gonna get your AC. And of course, you'll preferably run this cord through the wall, through the back of here but that's not required. And finally, have right here this is gonna be where you plug in your battery. So you can see the battery connector and that will just plug directly onto there, and then the battery will actually sit right there. So you'd see it kind of fits right there so you'll have it oriented like that, slide it in, snap it in, plug it in. Pretty simple, not a whole lot of wiring especially if you're doing a fully wireless system, you're really just going to be connecting the backup battery and connecting your AC, that's it.
All right. So let's put this back together real quick and it's pretty easy to open and close. Don't need any tools. And then let's look at some of these, we'll just do one of each. Don't need to open all three and these are gonna be the exact same as this. Let's start with our key fob here. So, let me open that up. First thing you see is a keyring that's going to attach it to your keys, and then we'll pull that tab up, see what else we can get out here. All right. So this is the actual key fob itself. That's pretty small, so you wouldn't have trouble fitting this, you know, it's really it's smaller than most car key fobs especially the new ones where, you know, your keyless start and things like that. So it's pretty small. Not gonna take up a whole lot of room in your pocket and it's got four buttons on it. So arm, disarm, panic, and then you can use this like power and output or something like that on the system. On the back, it's got a sticker with the ID, and then, of course, comes with a little manual. So it's user manual kind of gives you some information about it, specifications, what each button is, how to change the batteries, etc. So that's your key fob.
Next, we have our motion detector. All right. So this is the motion detector itself. Again, it's got the sticker on the back. Now, you can tell this is actually designed to be mounted flat against the wall or it's got the beveled edges so you can actually mount this in a corner as well. And then at the top here you can see there's a little push tab which will allow to open up, and from there you can see you have the spring, that's your tamper button. And then if we push these two tabs in, we should be able to. And the tabs, you got two at the top, one at the bottom. So you have to kinda push them all down. And it's kind of tricky to get it because it's hard and you don't get much purchase. Once you pull it out you can see there's two batteries. Here's the lens and there's actual sensor itself. So that's where you get in this, slide it back in. Tabs will snap back in.
Additionally, this comes with your installation sheet and then kind of like the…and then underneath this little compartment here in the box, you get your mounting hardware. And so it's got two of the anchors for drywall, some screws and that's how you'd actually mount this. So, a lot of people think you need, like, some brackets to mount these. Most cases, you're not gonna need them. You're just gonna mount flat against the wall, about eight feet up or so. And finally, we have the door contact. So let's open this up. So you got a little plastic pouch here, and this comes with some screws, some anchors, and this little thing as well as your resistor. So this little plastic piece here is actually what you'll mount to the wall. The magnet itself is going to snap onto that so you don't see any screws. And again, it comes with a manual. It's gonna give you all specifications, tell you how to program it, etc. And here's the sensor itself. All right. So I opened this one.
You're just gonna take a flathead screwdriver and push down the tab right in there, so you can see that tab and push that down to allow you to open it, so that you can see the kind of battery you need. There's your tamper and you can see it's got two terminals here. So these terminals are actually used for an auxiliary input is what they call it. So, if you had, for instance, two windows or a double-hung window, and you wanted to put a contact on both top and bottom or the two windows side by side, you could use one transmitter, wire, a regular hardwired contact directly to here, which it does come with a resistor for that. And then basically, that will be able to save you some money as well as, you know, hardwired sensors usually smaller, look a little nicer, and it'll be able to save you some zones. So let's go and snap that back together. So that is everything you get with the kit here. Comes with quite a bit of stuff. It's a nice starting package. You get a few zones, you know, your three door contacts or motion detector and a key fob. So that's a good starting point for a small house or small business. That could potentially be all you need but you may need to add a little bit more the system.
Hi, guys so that's the Simon XTi-5 311 Kit. It's a nice accessible system for DIY installs. Not much skills needed for the physical install or the actual programming side. So, if you enjoyed the video, make sure you hit the like button. And if you remember, I was going to tell you how to win these decals. So if you leave a comment on this video, doesn't matter what you comment, you can comment, "Give me the decals," or whatever you want, it doesn't matter. I will be picking five random winners in one week. So, those winners will reply to your comment and give you a, you know, let you know that you've won. Tell you give us your contact info from there, and then we'll ship five of these decals out to you completely free. Now, you do have to be in the U.S. to win these. We don't wanna ship these internationally, unfortunately. And don't worry if you're seeing this video more than a week after we posted it, we will be doing this on all of our videos. So, you can always find our latest video and comment on our latest video for your chance to win. So thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.