How to program Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 user codes
User code programming for the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000
Hi, Chris here from alarmsystemstore.com. Today I want to talk to you about user codes on Honeywell Lynx L3000 System, specifically what the different codes are for and how to set up and edit those various user codes. Okay, first code that we're going to talk about today is the installer code, otherwise known as user01. This installer code is very important because it's the only code that allows entry into the programming mode on the L3000. The factory default installer code is 4112. That can, however, be changed in star 20 section, and we do recommend that you change that. But, that being said, if you do change it, make sure you never forget it.
All right, here we are with our L3000, and we're gonna now change our installer code. So, first thing we need to do to change that is to get into programming mode. So, we'll use our old installer code 4112 followed by 800 in our programming mode. Press star 20, now at this point, we're gonna input our new code. So, let's go 2114 to make it easy. 2, you'll notice it says 2, 1, 1, 4. It gives us three beeps, that tells us we're good. Now, go ahead and default to the next programming session. We're gonna star 99 outta there, we don't wanna change anything else right now. So, star 99. Now, let's just see if that took. And, we're gonna enter installing mode programming number now, 2114800. Entering programming mode, so we were successful. Again, star 99, and get out.
The next code we wanna talk about is the master code. The master code allows access to all the normal functions of the system, like arm and disarm. The master code can also be used to assign up to six secondary user codes. So, let's step over to the table and take a look at how to set those up. Okay, so, now we're talking about the master code and secondary codes so we're going to... Actually, let's change our master code now. The default is 1234. We're gonna change it to 4321. Now, I wanna explain these key punches because I have to do them pretty quickly. Honeywell doesn't give you much time to punch this in before it times out and you'll have to do it again. So, our key punch code that we're gonna enter is our master code plus the 8 the code key, plus our user number which is gonna be 02 since we're changing our master code plus our new secondary code two times. So, let's give that a try. We'll go 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, user 02, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1. It gave me three beeps, that's good. So, now, our master code has been changed to 4321. Let's check that out., 4,3,2,1, off.
Alarm: Disarmed, ready to arm.
Very good. Now, let's add a code. Let's add a user 3 code using that master code. 4, 3 ,2 ,1 ,8 ,0 ,3, and let's go 1, 2, 3, 5. And then we'll check that out, 1, 2, 3, 5.
Alarm: Disarmed, ready to arm.
Now, let's say we want to, let's delete that user 3 that we just put in. This is a little simpler. When you enter the master code plus the code key plus the user number, that was user number 3. So, master code 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 0, 3. Now, that user 3 should be gone so 1, 2, 3, 5, should do nothing. Perfect, and there we have our user codes. That's how we're gonna set user 03, 04, 05, and 06.
Another of the secondary user codes is called babysitter code or user 07, and this babysitter code allows a babysitter or caregiver to disarm a system or arm a system. However, this code can only disarm a system if it was first armed by an 07. So let's take a look at how to set up a babysitter code. Okay, here we are back at the panel, and we're gonna set up a babysitter code. If you remember, I just mentioned that babysitter code is otherwise known as user 07. So, basically we're gonna do the same sequence that we did in the last user code section, but we're gonna enter user 07. So, we're gonna do master code plus the 8 code key plus our user number which is 07 plus the code that we wanna use. So, let's stick with that 7 theme and make it 7777 just for my ease of memory. So, here we go, 4, 3, 2, 1, plus the code key, user number 7 and 7777. And there we've just set our babysitter code. So, with that babysitter code, he or she can arm the system. They can also disarm the system if they are the ones that armed the system using that 07 code.
The final user code we're gonna talk about today is one I truly hope you never need to use, but it's a great defense to have set up just in case. And that's the duress code or user number 08. And what that allows you to do is in a situation of duress, say you're being held hostage, you can enter this duress code, and it will act like a normal disarm code, but it will also send a silent emergency message to your central station. That is assuming you are monitored by a central station. So, let's take a look at how to set one of those up. Here we are back at our L3000, and lastly, we're gonna talk about how to set up a duress code. Again, it's the same sequence as we've had in our last couple, except we're using user number 8. It's dedicated to the duress code. So, kind of in our same scheme as our last code, let's use 8888. And for a duress code you want to have something pretty simple like that. So, we're gonna enter our master code, plus the code key, user number 08, and then our desired duress code, which is 8888. Ready, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 08, 8888. And we just set 8888 as a duress code. And we'll test that.
Alarm: Disarmed, ready to arm.
It disarmed the system. If we were central stationed monitored right now, it would be in an alarm state. Thanks for checking out the video today. I hope I've helped you understand user codes a little better, and make sure you check back with our other videos and our channel. And while you're there, why not subscribe so you don't miss any of the information. From alarmsystemstore.com, I'm Chris. Thanks.