Honeywell Vista Series 15P, 20P, and 21ip Alarm Systems Overview
Review / Overview Of Honeywell Vista Series Alarm Systems
The Vista series by Honeywell Security has been a mainstay of Honeywell's hardwired / wireless hybrid alarm panels for many years now. Take a look at the key differences and the variations of kits we offer.
Hey everybody! Jon Boroughs here with alarmsystemstore.com and today I'm here to introduce you to Honeywell's Vista Series hardwired alarm panels. On our website: www.alarmsystemstore.com, we offer three different models. We have the 15p, the 20p, and the 21ip. Now, the programming between these systems is pretty much the same. There are a few differences, though. For instance, hardwired zones. On the 15p, you'll start out with six hardwired zones on your main control board, the 20p and the 21ip you'll start out with eight. Now, you can expand on these system's hardwired zones by adding a 4219 Zone Expander If you add the 4219 to the Vista 15p, you'll get a maximum of 22 hardwired zones. On the 20p and 21ip, you will get a maximum of 48.
Another difference between these systems is the partitioning capability, 15p only has one partition, real simple system, the 20p and 21ip, they offer two partitions. And partitioning is basically, if you have two separate buildings on the same property, and you wanna arm and disarm and control these separately. You can put one building on partition one and the other building on partition two. It's basically like having two alarm systems in one unit. You will need one keypad per partition, so keep that in mind.
Another difference with these systems, the 20p and the 21ip, same board. The only difference in these systems is that the 21ip has a built in internet communicator that you can use for central station monitoring service. So, that's pretty nifty if you wanna have monitoring service be internet. That would be the one to go for. These systems, we offer different kits on our website. And the only difference in the kits is basically the peripherals and the keypads that come with them. The main brains are the same. One kit will have a 6160 Alpha-Numeric keypad. Another kit will have a 6160rf and that's basically a hardware keypad with a built in wireless receiver. Another kit will have the 6160v, which is an Alpha-Numeric keypad that will voice announce system status.
We also have a 20p kit that features Honeywell's new Tuxedo touch screen keypad, really neat keypad. Not only, is it touch screen, easy to maneuver and operate. It has a built in Z Wave Home Automation Controller, and it features an ethernet port where, if you hook that to your router, and port-forward your router, you can remote in and control and access your system. Really neat feature. The kits are a little different, but they are all the same as far as the main brain, as I said. It just depends on what needs you have. Not only, are these hardwired systems but you can turn them into hybrid wired wireless systems. You can add a 5881 wireless receiver, a 5883 Transceiver, or the RF Series of keypads and you can use hardwired or wireless.
I say if you wired everything you needed wired, you find one place where you just can't wire to, add a wireless receiver and you can use a wireless door contact, a wireless motion sensor, glass-break, very nifty. These systems are not just for burglary, anymore. You can do fire and smoke detection, carbon monoxide detection, flood detection. You can also do, and add, temperature sensing devices as well. So, very versatile, very expandable. They also feature a built in phone dialer. If you add a phone line into the system, you can have it call out for self monitoring. It can call your phone. If you wanna self monitor you can also do it via internet by adding the Envisalink 3 that we offer on our website, which will give you remote control access and send you an email or text notification upon alarm events.
Now, these systems can also be used for Central Station Monitoring Service, either by, landline telephone line, GSM cellular, or internet, so you can have monitoring service. Now if you have a GSM cell communicator or an internet communicator, you can also get total connect monitoring service, which is Honeywell's monitoring service, plus, remote control and access and it will send you notifications via email, very neat systems. Honeywell's been one of the leaders in the alarm industry for years. I'm really excited to be able to present these to you.
Go and check them out on our website. If you have any questions, give us a call, talk to our tech department, 888-811-0727. They'll be happy to answer any questions you have on these systems. They will also help you do some setup you know, as far as wiring and programming goes. So don't be afraid to take this on to yourself and make it a do it yourself project. Because, you totally can do this with the Honeywell Vista Series. My name is Jon Boroughs, I'm with alarmsystemstore.com. Thanks for watching our video. We'll be back with more product presentations in the future.