Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210 Unboxing
Unboxing and review of the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210
Hi, everyone. Andy here with alarmsystemstore.com, and today, we're going to unbox and review the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210. We'll show you various kits that we offer this system in and tell you a little bit about it. So, we'll head over to the table now and take a look.
Okay, this is the Lynx Touch L5210 Wireless Alarm System from Honeywell Security. And I'm going to show you what you get in the box. This is what we refer to on our website as a Kit 1, and everything in the Kit 1 comes in this box. We do include with all of our kits four warning decal stickers, and those are generally not in a box. Sometimes they shove them in the side flap. But nonetheless, it will include four of the warning decals. Everything else for the Kit 1 does come in the box.
And I should mention that all of the other kits, we currently offer four, all of the other kits are based off of this. So they start from this and they just add other sensors, and remotes and things, and I'll show you those here shortly. Also, I should mention everything we sell is factory fresh. We order directly from the manufacturer distribution center and we order every week. So it's gonna have the latest firmware in it, and that's a question we sometimes get. And that can be important because sometimes newer modules are only compatible with newer firmware.
So, this is what you get in the box. Of course, you get a programming guide. We do also have a number of support documents on our website if you want to check that out. A lot of people find, you know, are what we call QuickStart guides, much simpler to follow because they're kind of a step-by-step rather than just a manual that has all of the information in it that you might have to kind of dig for. So definitely, check out the website.
We've also got other videos on this system and many others, but we have a how-to-program this system, how to add and edit user codes, you know, how to read the troubles if you have any trouble conditions. This is one of the easiest systems available. So most people aren't going to have a problem with setting this system up anyway. But, you know, if you wanna further simplify it, certainly, take a look at the resources we have on the website.
The main console features a 4.3-inch color touch screen, has a built-in 85-decibel siren. You can add additional wireless sirens to this system as well. The part number for that is 5800 wave. Features up to 64 wireless zones, 16 wireless remotes, and up to 32 user codes. So as you can see, that's quite a bit of capability in such a small package. And that's why, you know, it's a satisfactory system for a...just about any home or small business. Rarely do I see people go over 64 zones or need more than 32 different user codes for a small business even.
This also has a family message center, which allows you to leave a voice message. And then, the person that comes in that disarms the system can see that there's a message there and playback your message. It's kind of a neat feature, you know, and kind of replaces the old note on the fridge, I guess you would say.
The system does voice announce all system status and zone statuses. So if you have a trouble condition, it'll tell you verbally what the trouble condition is, and it'll announce zone statuses also. So I think that's the basics on the main console here. There are a couple inputs. I'm not gonna take the cover off this to show you, but there is a connection where you're going to connect your power supply to it. That hardwired zone connection, if you choose to use it, is in there. Not sure if you can see those little terminals in there. And there's also connections for a phone line if you wanna hook a phone line into it.
There are a few accessory modules that are popular with this system. One of which is a z-wave module that gives capability of controlling or scheduling z-wave devices for home automation. The part number for that is an L5100 z-wave. There is a cellular card you can get for this if you're gonna use for Central Station monitoring. That's a 3GL. And similarly, there is a Wi-Fi card that you can put in it if you wanna report to a Central Station over Wi-Fi, and that is called L5100 Wi-Fi. Okay, that's it for the main console. Of course, you will get a hardware pack with that, anchors and screws to mount the console.
Next up is the 9-volt power supply. This system does not include any wire, so you will need a wire for this. The spec on it is 18 gauge 2 conductor. it's what's recommended. It is polarity sensitive, so there's a positive here and a negative, and that's...you'll follow the same thing that you wire into on the back of the control board there. We do offer short sections of wire, so you don't have to buy a whole spool of wire. It normally comes in 500-foot rolls. But we have the wire you need for this in 25 feet and 50-foot rolls. So you may want to purchase that as well when you purchase your system so that you'll have that wire. Anyway, you wire that up and you just plug it in. And it is low-voltage, like I said, 9 volts DC. Includes the backup battery. The backup battery is rated to last four hours. And this plastic piece here just covers...basically, once you once you open up the back of the unit, this battery fits in there and this secures it in place. And again, we have another video, I know, on this system that shows terminal connections. So if you've got questions on that, you can check that out.
So next up, I'll show you the other kits. Again, this is a Kit 1 and that is everything that comes with a Kit 1. So now, we'll move along to what's included in a Kit 2.
Okay, the Kit 2 includes two of these 5816 wireless door/window transmitters. I'll get this out and show it to you, what comes in that. So you get with that the transmitter, double-sided tape for mounting it. And then, of course, screws to mount the transmitter, and the magnet. And of course, you get a spacer and the battery. And how these work are, the magnet portion is what goes on the moving part, typically your door or window, and then this transmitter goes on the frame or door jam. And these just have to line up. They can be oriented a little differently. That's not so important. But they line up together, and then, when the doors opened, this is what triggers the alarm.
But anyway, on the Kit 2, you'll get two of these. And then, you'll also get one 5800PIR-res wireless motion sensor. And I'll show you that briefly. This wireless motion sensor is pet-immune. So if you have a small cat or dog, it'll handle it. It's rated up to 80 pounds. I probably wouldn't push that far. But certainly, you know, any small pets, it'll be fine with. But yeah, it is rated up to 80 pounds, so I wouldn't put it in with an area where you're gonna have a German Shepard or a large dog running around. But, anyway, this is the wireless motion sensor. It comes with a battery.
I should mention, by the way, on the transmitters, on a typical installation, those last typically three years, and I would say about the same on the motion. Now, of course, it depends on like a door, how often it's opened. But in a typical residential, certainly, three to four years is typical from what I have seen anyway. And again, similar time on the wireless motion as well. The range on this wireless motion is up to 35 by 40 feet. So it will certainly cover most residential-size rooms. And by the way, they rate on this motion battery life up to five years. But typicals, you know, probably somewhere between three and five.
So, again, on a Kit 2, you get two of these door/window transmitters, one wireless motion. Now, when you go up to the Kit 3, it adds a key-chain remote. And I'll show you that as well. It's a four-button remote. And now, you can, of course, disarm from the keypad on the touch screen. But if you don't wanna use that, you can buy these remotes. Four-button key-chain remote for arming, disarming. And there's two kinds of arming modes. Staying away, typically...stay mode usually disarms the motion but arms your perimeter, but...So that is a kit three.
The Kit 4 is identical to this except for it adds a third 5816 wireless transmitter. So the Kit 4 is going to have three of these, one wireless motion, and one key-chain remote. And remember, you could have up to 64 wireless zones and up to 16 wireless keychain remotes. And Honeywell does offer a large variety of wireless sensors. Everything from ultra-thin, thin line series for door or window. They've also got recessed ones. They probably got one of the larger varieties of wireless sensors and accessories on the market. So check it out on the website.
Again, these are the ones that come in our kits. But a lot of people start with Kit 1 and, you know, build their own out if they want to use some of the smaller transmitters. This is the bulkier of their transmitters. But like I said, you can get smaller thin-line ones or recessed ones. There's just a variety of them available.
So that's it. Okay, that concludes my video for the unboxing and review of the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210 Wireless Alarm System. It's a good choice for a home or a small business for that matter if you're looking for a wireless alarm system. It is real simple to setup and program. So check it out on their website, alarmsystemstore.com, and you can click the "I" in the upper right corner of this video and we'll link you there directly.
And if you've got any other questions, we've got a number on the website there. Feel free to give us a call, and we're always happy to help. If you found this video of value at all, we'd appreciate if you subscribe to the channel. We do release new videos every week. And we have a couple other videos on this particular system along with many others for that matter. But you may wanna check those out as well. So we hope to hear from you soon.