DSC PowerSeries NEO HS2LCDWFPV9 Wireless Keypad Overview
Detailed overview of the HS2LCDWFPV9 wireless keypad for the DSC NEO PowerSeries panels
Hi, my name is Jason with alamsystemstore.com, and in today's video, I'm going to be doing a brief overview of the HS2LCDWFPV9 Keypad, this is a keypad for the PowerSeries Neo. It's completely wireless, although, it does have an optional power transformer so you can save on battery life and for a couple of other reasons. And I'll be focusing primarily on the voice features of the keypad. The rest of the keypad we kinda gone over in some other videos, you know, how to connect the keypad and various other things like that. And real quick, if you guys would subscribe to our channel, we release lots of videos along these lines with a lot of great information for you. So, let's go ahead and go to the table, and we'll get started.
All right. So I just wanted to start with a quick overview on this keypad. So this is the HS2LCDWFPV9. So I know that's kind of a lot to take in. The LCD just means that it is the full message display. So you get, you know, the full date and time, custom zone labels, things like that. The WF means that it's a wireless keypad. So this one does not need to be hardwired to your core bus on the DSC PowerSeries Neo. It connects completely wireless over the PowerG wireless transceiver.
And then, it's also got the P and V. So the P stands for proximity tag support. So you can see there's this little target on the keypad here. So it's a nice little feature. You can hold up a tag right to that target and it will disarm the system, for instance. And then, the V stands for voice. So voice is what we're gonna be focusing on in this video. First thing you'll notice is you get voice prompt. So when you first connect this keypad up, which pretty much, you know, all it got on the system is couple zones. Pretty much everything is on default and I just added this keypad.
If you need help connecting wireless keypad up with your PowerSeries Neo, we do have some videos on how to do wireless programming, even a video on doing the wireless only on the system, so no hardwired keypads. So you can check those videos out. We'll put out a link in the description if you need to see those.
So, we're just gonna jump in from after you've already got the keypad connected. You've already got your zones in. Again, zones, we go over in detail in other videos. And so let's just start by arming the system. So you could see the system is ready to arm. We'll just hold down the Way button for now.
Voice Prompt: User arming in progress. Please exit now.
So you're gonna hear...you get a voice prompt from that. So let's do a disarm.
Voice Prompt: System disarmed.
And again, it kinda just tells you what's going on and you get a few other things, you know, with the...let's do *8, for instance.
Voice Prompt: Enter Installer Code.
So again, it just prompts you what it's looking for. So there's quite a few things like that. I'm not gonna do an extensive demonstration on every single one, but that gives you some ideas. Now, this also has an option for voice chime. However, by default, it's not going to be turned on. So I have this setup as a perimeter zone and I've labeled it Living Room Window. So you can see when I open it up, it just does the quick six beeps, and then you saw a flash on the screen there, "Living room window open." So there's two things you're going to wanna do to kinda customize your voice prompt in voice chime. The first, let's go to *6.
Voice prompt: Present tag or enter code.
So as you can see, it says "Present Tag" as well as "Enter Code." So if you had a proximity tag that was associated with your master code, you can just present that instead of entering the master code. I don't have a proximity tag set up, so I'm just gonna enter 1234, which is the default. Once you get in here, you can just scroll over until you see the voice options. So start out with voice prompt right here. You know, what this is is just voice control. So you can hit *. By default, I think it's set to 5 and it goes all the way up to 10, and zero is off.
Voice Prompt: Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.
So as you increase, it gets louder. And once you have it set where you wanted to, you just hit pound, and then scroll over again. You see Voice Chime. And once again, the same thing, you go into it, set it at the level you want, 0 through 10, 0 being off, 10 being the loudest, and then push # when you're finished, and then # again to exit out of the *6 menu. So once you have those volume set where you want, if you want to use the Voice Chime, you have to enable that. So to do that, you have to go Programming.
Voice Prompt: Enter Installer Code.
Once you're in programming, what you wanna do is, first confirm what keypad slot you're working on. So this keypad is the one I wanna have voice prompts on. So I'm gonna type in 860. So you can see it just gives some information about this keypad. So it shows the model number. It shows the slot number which is 02, and then it shows the keypad label which is just the default for slot two, which is keypad two, that's keypad two is customizable if you do want to change it.
So we know this is slot two. So we're gonna hit # here. Now, because we know it's slot two, we know which section number we need to go into to customize the options for this keypad. So 861, I'll scroll over, is keypad one programming. And then each...subsequent section number is the next slot. So 862 is keypad two, 863 would be keypad three, etc. So we are gonna go to keypad two by pushing * on 862, or you can just type in 862. Now, here, you need to go to each zone that you want the voice chime enabled. And to do that, you enter 100 plus the zone number. So Zone 1 would be 101, Zone 2 would be 102, zone 10 would be 110, etc.
So, this is a...the only zone we're gonna worry about for now, and this is actually on zone nine, so when you go to 109. So you can see it's set. The chime is set at six beeps. And you can scroll through. There's different chimes: Bing Bong, Ding Dong, an alarm tone. And then, 05 is zone name. So this only applies to voice keypads. With the zone name, it's going to enunciate the zone label that's put there. Now, there's just one caveat with that. It will only do the word library that is in the manual for the keypad. So you have to actually have to use the words out of that word library for you to be able to enunciate them. It can't do custom words.
So we're just going to hit star here, and then it backs out. And pretty much, you do that for every zone that you wanna enable the voice chime for. So, let's say, we wanna do one...zone 1, you go to 101, and then you can scroll over to 05 or just enter it, and then do it again for Zone 2, Zone 3, etc. Maybe you don't want Zone 3 to have voice chime, so you'll skip it and go to Zone 4, whatever you need to do. Once you're finished with your door chime settings, you're just gonna hit # a couple of times to get out of programming.
So once we're out of programming, you can then test it to make sure it's working. Now, another thing to note, I already turned the chime on, but you...by default, the chime is going to be off, so you'll have to hold the chime button a couple seconds.
Voice Prompt: Door chime off.
And that'll talk on or off.
Voice Prompt: Door chime on.
All right. So now the door chime is on. We've enabled the voice chime for Zone 9. Let's give it a shot.
Voice Prompt: Living room window open.
So there you go. It gives you the prompt that the living room window is open. So, it's pretty convenient for a lot of different situations. Now, one other cool feature of this voice chime is actually in alarms. So what I'm going to do is arm the system and then we'll cut to when it is actually armed.
Voice Prompt: User arming in progress. Please exit now.
Voice Prompt: System armed away.
All right. So the system is armed. You could see the red check...or red...lock is on, I'm sorry. So that just means the system's armed. Now, let's go ahead and open the zone and see what our voice keep head does.
Voice Prompt: Living room window open. System in alarm.
So, you can see that it actually tells you which zone opens when the system is in alarm. So first thing it does is tell you the zone, and then tells you that the system is in alarm, so very useful. It saves you the trip to the keypad potentially, kinda lets you know what the system's doing without needing to see it.
Voice Prompt: Living room window open.
And of course when the system is in alarm. The chime still functions as normal. And again, the keypad, if the voice chime's not enabled for that zone, we'll just do the standard chime, or if you have chime turned off, it's not gonna do any chimes. So let's go ahead and disarm.
Voice Prompt: System disarmed. Alarm in memory.
The one last thing I wanna go over for this keypad, as you may have seen, this wire coming out. Now, I did say this is a wireless keypad and it can definitely function as a fully wireless keypad. This wire, actually, is just plugged in nearby. It's just the 9-volt DC power transformer, so it takes you a while to power from your AC converts. It converts it down to 9-volt DC. And what that does is it allows the keypad to be awake all the time, which is very important for voice chimes. So let's go ahead. I'll show you where that goes, so...you know, you can see the batteries here, and this is where your power transformer plugs into. So let's just go ahead and unplug that, set it aside here, and let's see what the keypad does when it's not plugged in.
So it looks normal, but then you can see it goes off. So when it is plugged in, it will never go to a blank screen like this> You can change the lighting settings and everything like that if you want, but it'll never go to a completely blank screen. It always shows some information: system is already armed, the time and date, things like that. When it's not plugged in, it goes into a battery saving mode. So right now, it's still kinda, working on a minimal amount of power, but it's not going to be fully featured. So you don't see if the systems already armed. You'll see if it's armed, etc. It's kinda bare minimum.
So let's see when it's like this, what happens when we open this [inaudible 00:15:15]. So you could hear the...you got the default chime tone which is six beeps. Now let's see what happens when I open this up and just wake the keypad up by pressing a button. So now it looks like a normal DSC keypad here.
Voice Prompt: Living room window open.
So when it is awake, it reverts back to the voice chime. And again, when it is in sleep mode like this, it just does the default chime. So if you're wanting to get this keypad and you want it to be reliable for your voice chimes, you're going to wanna get the power transformer.
So that's all there is to, guys. I really like this keypad. I think it's got a lot of neat features with it. And the fact that it's wireless, you can kind of put in almost anywhere you want. It makes, sort of, a great option. I think it's one of the more underutilized keypads that we sell.
So if you like this video and found it helpful, make sure you hit the thumbs up button, and I'll see you in the next video.