Diy Alarm System Blog
The alarm suddenly blares out of nowhere at such an ungodly hour. You jolt awake, half alive yet still half asleep as the blaring sound enters through your system and rattles every part of you in the most unpleasant way. In desperation, you reach out and frantically hit the snooze button until the blasted thing goes silent at...
Goodbye to the old, Hello to the new!
10 Mar 2014
The Alarm System Store Blog now carries a new look! The much slicker design offers better readability and easier access to the creative and informative blog entries that the site has lined up for you. We have taken a more creative approach to the former product centric posts to be able to deliver information that are relevant...
Cutting Prices With Coupon Codes
21 Jun 2011
Cutting Prices Be on the look out for coupon codes on our Facebook page!!! From time to time we post coupon codes on our Facebook page that will give you percentages off of some of our best products. We recently had coupon codes for our IP BAT Broadband alarm Transmitters on our feed. We like to offer these types of incentive...
People often ask how they should monitor their system if they don’t have a land line at their premise and they don’t want to use an alarm monitoring service. In that case we refer people to the Cell Phone Dialer Module Dock N Talk Station with Bluetooth Module. The Dock N Talk is a cell phone dialer module that pairs with any...