More About Alarm.com Plan Add On Options
Starting with the most commonly purchased add-ons, Alarm.com's Single Doorbell With Analytics Video Add-on allows you to add a single Alarm.com Video Doorbell to your existing interactive plan. Normally you would need to have a full standard video plan to incorporate Video Doorbells, however, this add-on is designed to save you money in case you do not want to add other cameras as well. Following that, the SVR Streaming Video Service Add-on allows you to utilize Alarm.com's Stream Video Recorders features giving you the ability to set up full-time recording for a single SVR. The SVR service can be added multiple times allowing multiple SVRs even in different locations. Along those same lines, the 4-Camera Expansion Add-on increases the amount of cameras your Alarm.com account can handle. On top of that, the expansion increases the amount of monthly clips that can be uploaded to your account.
Another wonderful set of features from Alarm.com comes from the water management plus and voice notification add-ons. The Water Management Plus Add-on allows you to fully utilize the SWM-150 Smart Water Valve And Meter. This device is capable of monitoring the incoming water line to your home so that you can not only view usage, but the SWM-150 is also capable of detecting leaks large and small, even down to a slow drip. When the SWM has acclimated to your normal home's water usage it will closely monitor water flow, and when it detects a leak will close its valve in an attempt to save your home from water damage while notifying you of the leak it has detected. Alarm.com's Voice Notifications are another beneficial feature providing automated phone calls to a specified call list. Voice Notifications For Alarms will immediately call up to 3 people in the event that your alarm system has triggered an alarm. The calls not only notify you of the event, but it provides you the option to disarm the panel straight through the phone call, or you may confirm that it is a legitimate alarm potentially speeding up dispatch response if you have Central Station Service. Voice Notifications for Non-Alarms provides you with a phone call for all other system events, such as troubles, missed arming times, and doors that have been left open. Adding voice notifications can help ensure you are alerted to issues by actually ringing your phone instead of only receiving a text or push notification sound for those heavy sleepers out there.
Lastly, for those who require remote monitoring solutions, the FLEX IO Cellular Sensor Add-on allows you to enroll FLEX IO sensors to your existing Alarm.com Interactive plan. Cellular sensors can be used to monitor just about any outdoor or remote setup by transmitting signals over AT&T and Verizon cellular towers rather than having to be within range of wireless alarm systems. This can be incredibly useful for worksite situations where a lockbox needs to be secured, or even a barn or stable that is out of range of your home system. Multiple FLEX IOs may be added to a single account, each requiring their own add-on.